The book is for dreamers, lovers and food for the soul

Poetry are the words that songs are made from. It flows around us and touches our soul.

About me

Hi, I'm Maryanne Wright

Maryanne was born in the United Kingdom in Hampshire. She has lived in Ghana, Adelaide and various parts of New Zealand. She currently lives in Cambridge New Zealand and teaches young adults. Lives with her dog, loves reading, listening and playing music and socialising. She has grown up children and grandchildren.

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My Book

A Short Book of Poetry and Thoughts to Share

The book is about family, friendship, emotions, seasons, nature, and fantasy.

The poetry book is a collection of poems that was written during lockdown and shortly thereafter. It covers emotions like fear, love, loss, sadness, joy, laughter. It contains poetry about the seasons and the way the earth changes with each quarter. It talks about fantasy and fact.


Talking Books with Maryanne Wright

An interesting fact about Maryanne is that when she was in the Ghanaian Capital Accra she went to the same school as the children of Ghana’s first president, President Kwame Nkrumah who led Ghana to independence from Britain.

Spotlight with Logan Crawford

Right Now on The Spotlight Network: Maryanne Wright, the author of “A Short Book of Poetry and Thoughts to Share”, is a resilient spirit who found solace in the smaller joys of life during the pandemic.

Listen to my Podcast Interview

Hosted by Suzanne Harris & Friends featuring A Short Book of Poetry and Thoughts to Share by Maryanne Wright
Author voices on air featuring authors from Australia and New Zealnd

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You can also purchase the book from these other online bookstore outlets.

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